[1] Optimization of the Voltage Doubler Stages in an RF-DC
Convertor Module for Energy Harvesting
This paper presents an optimization of the voltage doubler stages in an energy conversion module for Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting system at 900 MHz band. The function of the energy conversion module is to convert the (RF) signals into direct-current (DC) voltage at the given frequency band to power the low power devices/circuits. The design is based on the Villard voltage doubler circuit. A 7 stage Schottky diode voltage doubler circuit is designed, mod-eled, simulated, fabricated and tested in this work. Multisim was used for the modeling and simulation work. Simulation and measurement were carried out for various input power levels at the specified frequency band. For an equivalent incident signal of –40 dBm, the circuit can produce 3 mV across a 100 kΩ load. The results also show that there is a multiplication factor of 22 at 0 dBm and produces DC output voltage of 5.0 V in measurement. This voltage can be used to power low power sensors in sensor networks ultimately in place of batteries.
Thesis Statement:
This paper presents an optimization of the voltage doubler stages in an energy conversion module for Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting system at 900 MHz band.
From the Title:
By the utilization of Radio Frequency it gives the signal whenever the Direct Current begins to power up the low voltage and measures various power of specified frequency.
[2]Development of a New Cascade Voltage-Doubler for Voltage
For more than eight decades, cascade voltage-doubler circuits are used as a method to produce DC output voltage higher than the input voltage. In this paper, the topological developments of cascade voltage-doublers are reviewed. A new circuit configuration for cascade voltage-doubler is presented. This circuit can produce a higher value of the DC output voltage and better output quality compared to the conventional cascade voltage-doubler circuits, with the same number of stages.
Thesis Statement:
In this paper, the topological developments of cascade voltage-doublers are reviewed. This circuit can produce a higher value of the DC output voltage and better output quality compared to the conventional cascade voltage-doubler circuits, with the same number of stages.
From the Title:
Out from coventional casade voltage doubler circuit, this new casades improves the development of new voltage multiplier that gives off twice a number of an input voltage into output voltage and multiplication.
[3] Optimization of Voltage Doublers for Energy Harvesting
Energy harvesting is increasingly enabling the expansion of wireless sensor networks in challenging applications by replacing batteries in low power sensors. Many forms of energy harvester suffer from low output voltage that can be partially compensated for by the use of a Cockcroft-Walton voltage doubler ahead of a dc-dc converter. Impedance matching of energy harvesters is critical to achieve high output power/unit volume. This paper explores optimum impedance match for an energy harvester with a voltage doubler and dc-dc converter. Formulas are derived and experimentally confirmed, which calculate optimum impedance match between the harvester and a load, and calculate voltage at the input to the dc-dc converter for a given wireless sensor power consumption. Further, the formula for optimum impedance match is validated against independently published results.
Thesis Statement:
This paper explores optimum impedance match for an energy harvester with a voltage doubler and dc-dc converter. Formulas are derived and experimentally confirmed, which calculate optimum impedance match between the harvester and a load, and calculate voltage at the input to the dc-dc converter for a given wireless sensor power consumption. Further, the formula for optimum impedance match is validated against independently published results.
From the Title:
Energy Harvesting by default it enhace the expansion wireless application a means of replacing batteries from a lower power detector and effective voltage doubler.
Voltage multipliers are widely used for energy harvesting processes to convert the received AC signal to DC signal, also enhanced the low level received signal. In this study, Villard, Dickson and Greinacher type voltage multipliers are analyzed without impedance matching and substrate materials to decide the effective voltage multiplier type depending on the inputs of the harvester. So, load resistance, input power and input frequencies’ effects are analyzed and compared with each other. Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS) is used for simulations. HSMS 2852 Schottky diode and capacitors are used for these voltage multipliers. Results show that, determining load resistance is important for evaluating high efficiency, e.g. efficiency differences are reached 33% between 2kΩ and 20 kΩ for Dickson voltage multiplier at 100 MHz input frequency. Furthermore, the best efficiency is obtained by Greinacher voltage multiplier for low input frequencies which is lower than 1 GHz but there are no significant differences are observed for high frequencies. This study shows that load resistance, input frequency and input power are important parameters for voltage multiplier selection and Greinacher voltage multiplier is the best choice to obtain high efficiency for low frequency application of RF harvesting.
Thesis Statement:
In this study, Villard, Dickson and Greinacher type voltage multipliers are analyzed without impedance matching and substrate materials to decide the effective voltage multiplier type depending on the inputs of the harvester.
From the title:
Simply indicate that voltage multiplier is the best choice to obtain high efficiency while energy harvesting is to increasingly enables to partially compansated the output voltage as the result.
[5] Low Cost DC High Voltage Generator for Industries and
This work describes the details of high voltage D.C. power supply whose output is 60 kV, whereas its input voltage is 1-Φ 50 Hz 5 kV of sinusoidal waveform. This
test set is suitable for field testing of high
voltage cables, as a prime D.C source for very low frequency high voltage test, oscillating wave technique and impulse voltage charging unit due to its light weight and portability. In this study, we constructed a prototype high voltage power supply based on design, simulation and implementation of hardware work in laboratory. The simulation work has been done by using Mat. Lab.
Thesis Statemeng:
In this study, we constructed a prototype high voltage power supply based on
design, simulation and implementation of hardware work in laboratory.
From the Title:
A very functional Direct Current while on a High voltage
that lower a cost in laboratories that ensure generated supply.